How To Find Us

Some satnav’s can send you to a location approximately 10 minutes away, if you type Maythorne Lane in the road name you will find us first time.
Maythorne Lane, Maythorne, Southwell
Nottinghamshire, NG25 0RS
We are situated not far off Lower Kirklington Road, just outside of Southwell, if you are using a satnav please enter Maythorne Lane when asked for the street, this is due to our location and proximity over the fields. Some satnav’s can send you to another local village called Normanton.
Once you are on Maythorne Lane you simply need to keep driving for approximately a quarter a mile, there are some horses in the paddock to the right, there is a S bend and as you cross the bridleway of Southwell trail, keep driving and you will start to see the hamlet of Maythorne ahead of you. Prior to entering the hamlet, All Mine Cakes by the Lakes is located by the fishing lake on the right hand side, just after the equestrian paddocks. Don’t worry its well sign posted!
As Maythorne Lane is a single track road (with passing places) we kindly ask you to drive carefully as there will be other cars, dog walkers, walkers, children, horses and cyclists using the lane enjoying the view.
Please have a look at google directions to help plan your visit.
Enjoy Your Visit